
Providing quality dental services for youth in need.

Join Giving a Smile Foundation to start making a difference in your community.

Helping local underprivileged youth achieve a lifetime of healthy, beautiful teeth.

  • 25%

    of all children from low income families do not see a dentist before kindergarten

  • 4M+

    children do not receive dental care because their families cannot afford it

  • 42%

    of children between ages 2 and 11 are living with an untreated cavity, mostly in their primary teeth

  • 34M

    hours of missed school amongst children each year caused by tooth pain

Where your giving goes.

Giving a Smile Foundation has a proven track record of using donations efficiently and effectively. We work to maximize the value of every dollar we receive so that less than 5% of every dollar spent goes to administrative costs. All doctors, including the founding members, are volunteers and do not take any salary for their time committed to our youth.

  • Programs
  • Management & General
  • Fundraising
  • Programs
  • Management & General
  • Fundraising

Sponsor a child today.

With a monthly donation of $220 per month, you can help transform a smile.

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